Definition of Nightclothes


  • garments designed to be worn in bed
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nightclothes

  • Scrabble® score of the nightclothes (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the nightclothes (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nightclothes (23)

Unscramble nightclothes

1181 unscramble word found using the letters nightclothes.

ceil ceils cel cels celt celts cens cent cento centoist centos cents cesti cestoi ch che chesil chest chesting cheth cheths chi chiel chiels chigoe chigoes chile chiles chin chine chines ching chings chino chinos chins chinse chints chis chisel chit chiton chitons chits chog chogs choil choils cholent cholents choli choline cholines cholis chon chons chose chosen chott chotts ciel ciels cig cigs cine cineol cineols cines cion cions cis cist cit cite cites cito citole citoles cits cleg clegs client clients clies cline clines cling clings clint clints clit clits clog clogs clon clone clones clons close closet closeting closing clot clote clotes cloth clothe clothes clothing clothings cloths clots clotting clottings clottish cog cogent cogie cogies cognise cogs cohen cohens coign coigne coignes coigns coil coils coin coins coit coits col cole coles coletit coletits colies colin colins cols colt colting coltish colts con cone cones conge conges congest coni conies cons conseil conte contes contest cos cose coset cosh coshing cosie cosign cosine cosing cost coste costing cot cote cotes coth coths coting cotise cots cott cotting cottise cotts ech eching echo echoing echoist echos echt eclosing eco ecos egis ego egoist egos egotist eh ehing