Definition of Nightwalker


  • terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil
    often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet
    used as bait by anglers
    - fishing worm - nightcrawler - dew worm - red worm
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nightwalker

  • Scrabble® score of the nightwalker (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the nightwalker (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nightwalker (24)

Unscramble nightwalker

1137 unscramble word found using the letters nightwalker.

ae ag age agen agent ager agile agiler agin aglet agrin ah ahent ahi ahing ahint ai aight aiglet aigret ail ain aine air airn airt airth ait ake akin aking al ale alength alert alerting alew algin alien alight align aligner alike aline aliner alit alkie alkine alright alt alter altering altern an ane anew angel anger angle angler ani anigh anight anil anile anker ankh ankle anklet ant ante anther anti antler antlike antre ar are areg aret arew argent argh argil argle ariel aright aril ark arking arkite arle arling art artel arti at ate atheling atingle aw awe aweigh aweing awhile awhirl awing awk awl awn awner awnier ea ealing ean ear earing earl earn earth earthing earthling earwig eat eath eating egal eh ehing eight eik eina eking el elain elan elating elhi elint elk elt en eng engilt engirt engrail enlight enlit entail enthral entia entrail er era erg ering erk erlang erlking ern et eta eth ethal etna ewk ewking ewt gae gaen gahnite gain gainer gair gait gaiter gak gal gale gan gane gant gar gare gari garnet garni gart garth gat gate gater gath gather gaw gawk gawker gawkier geal gean