Definition of Nociceptive


  • caused by or in response to pain
    "a nociceptive spinal reflex"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nociceptive

  • Scrabble® score of the nociceptive (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the nociceptive (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nociceptive (25)

Unscramble nociceptive

244 unscramble word found using the letters nociceptive.

cee cenote cent cento cep cepe cete cinct cine cion cit cite cito civ cive civet civic civie coin coit con conceit conceive concept concepti conceptive cone coni conic conte convect convict cop cope copen cot cote cove coven covent covet covin covine ctene ecce ecco eco ectopic ee een eevn eine en ene entice entopic envoi eon epic epitonic et eten etic eve evection even event evet evict eviction evince evite evo evoe ice icon iconic ictic in incept inceptive incite inept inti into invite invitee invoice io ion ionic it ne nee neep neive nep nepit nepotic net nete netop neve nevi nice nie niece nieve nip nit nite no nociceptive noetic nope not note notice novice oe oi oint on once oncet one onie ontic op ope open opine opt optic otic oven ovine pe pec pecten pectic pectin pee peen pein peinct pen pence pene peni penie pent pentice peon pet pi pic pice picene picine picnic picot picote picotee pie piece piecen piet pin pine pinite pinot pint pinto pion pionic pit piton pivot po poet poetic poi point pointe poitin ponce pone pont pontic pontie pot pote poteen potence potin te tec tee teen