Definition of Noncandidate


  • someone who has announced they are not a candidate
    especially a politician who has announced that he or she is not a candidate for some political office
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Noncandidate

  • Scrabble® score of the noncandidate (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the noncandidate (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the noncandidate (20)

Unscramble noncandidate

518 unscramble word found using the letters noncandidate.

aa acai ace aced acedia aceta acetin acid acne acned acnode aconite act acta acted actin actinon action actioned acton ad add addict addio adenoid adit adnate adnation ado ae aecia aeon aeonian aeonic ai aia aid aida aidance aidant aide aided ain aina aine ait an ana anan ance ancient ancon ancone and andante andantino ane anecdota anent anetic ani anion ann anna annat anno annona anoa anode anodic anoetic anoint anointed anon ant anta antacid antae ante anted antenna anti antiacne antic antinode at ate atoc atocia atone atoned atonia atonic caa caaed cad caddie cade cadent cadet cadi cadie caid cain can candent candid candida candidate candie candied cane caned canid canine cann canna cannae canned cannie cannon cannonade cannonaded cannoned cannot canoe canoed canon cant canted cantina cantion canto canton cantoned cat cate catena catenoid cation cedi cent centai cento ciao cid cide cided cine cion cit cite cited cito cnida cnidae coaita coat coate coated coati cod coda code coded codeia codein codeina coden coed coedit coin coined coit con cond condie cone coned coni conia conin conine conn connate conne conned connie contadina contadine contain contained conte contend cot cotan cote coted ctenoid da