Definition of Nonimitative


  • not marked by or given to imitation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nonimitative

  • Scrabble® score of the nonimitative (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the nonimitative (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nonimitative (21)

Unscramble nonimitative

389 unscramble word found using the letters nonimitative.

ae aeon ai aim ain aine ait am ame amen ament ami amie amin amine amino amnio amnion amniote amove an ane anent ani anime animi anion ann anno anoint anomie anon ant ante anti antient antimen antimine antimonite antinome antivenom at ate atom atone att attone ave avine avion avo ea ean eat eina em emit emo en enation entia envoi eoan eon eonian et eta etamin etat etna ettin evanition evitation evo imine imino imitant imitate imitation imitative in inane inia inion initiate inmate inn innate innative innit innovate intent inti intima intimae intimate intimation intime intine into intonate intone invenit invent invitation invite io ion iota it ita item ma mae main man mane manent manet mani manito mannite mano manto mat mate matin matt matte mattie mattin maven mavie mavin me mean meant meat mein meint men meno ment menta mentation mention mento met meta mi mien mina minae mine mini miniate miniation minion minivan minivet minnie mino mint mite mitt mitten mna mo moa moai moan moat moe moi moit mon mona monie monitive montan montane montant monte mot mote moten motet moti motivate motive mott motte movant move movie na nae naevi nain naive