Definition of Nothosaur


  • extinct marine reptile with longer more slender limbs than plesiosaurs and less completely modified for swimming
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Nothosaur

  • Scrabble® score of the nothosaur (12)
  • Word Chums® score of the nothosaur (14)
  • Words With Friends® score of the nothosaur (13)

Unscramble nothosaur

433 unscramble word found using the letters nothosaur.

ah ahs an ans ant anthro anthros ants anu anus ar arnut arnuts ars arson art arts as ash astun at ats aunt aunts author authors auto autos ha han hant hants hao haos harn harns haro haros hart harts has hast hat hats haun hauns haunt haunts haut ho hoa hoar hoars hoas hoast hon honor honors honour honours hons hoo hoon hoons hoor hoors hoos hoot hoots hora horas horn horns hors horson horst hos host hosta hot hots hour hours hout houts hun huns hunt hunts hurst hurt hurts huso hut huts na nah naos nas nat nats no noah noahs noh noo nor north norths nos nosh nostro not nota notour nous nout nth nu nur nurs nus nut nuts nutso oar oars oast oat oath oaths oats oh oho ohos ohs on ono onos onrush ons onst onto onus oo ooh oohs oon oons oont oonts oor oos oot oots or ora orant orants ors ort ortho orthos orts os osar ou our ourn ours ous oust out outa outran outro outros outs outsoar rah rahs ran rant rants ras rash rast rat rath raths rato ratoo ratoon ratoons ratoos ratos rats ratu ratus raun