Definition of Notonectidae


  • aquatic carnivorous insects
    - family notonectidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Notonectidae

  • Scrabble® score of the notonectidae (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the notonectidae (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the notonectidae (18)

Unscramble notonectidae

651 unscramble word found using the letters notonectidae.

ace aced acetin acetone acid acne acned acnode aconite act acted actin actinon action actioned acton ad adenine adit ado ae aedine aeon aeonic ai aid aide ain aine ainee ait an ance ancient ancon ancone anconoid and ane anecdote anent anetic ani anion ann anno anode anodic anoetic anoint anointed anon ant ante anted anteed anti antic anticodon antidote antient antinode at ate atoc atone atoned atonic att attend attic attonce attone attoned cad cade cadee cadent cadet cadi cadie caid cain can candent candie cane caned canid canine cann canned cannie cannot canoe canoed canon cant canted canteen cantion canto canton cantoned cat cate catenoid cation catted cattie cede cedi cee cenote cent centai cento centonate cetane cete ciao cid cide cine cion cit cite cited cito cnida cnidae coat coate coated coatee coati coattend cod coda code codeia codein codeina codeine coden codetta codon coed coedit coin coined coit con conation cond condie condo condone cone coned coni conia conin conine conn connate conne conned connie connotate connotated connote connoted conoid contadine contadino contain contained conte contend content contented conto coo cooed cooee cooeed coon coontie coot cootie cot cotan cote coted cotenant cott cotta cottae cotted