Definition of Oblanceolate


  • (of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a tapering base
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Oblanceolate

  • Scrabble® score of the oblanceolate (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the oblanceolate (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the oblanceolate (21)

Unscramble oblanceolate

504 unscramble word found using the letters oblanceolate.

aa aal ab aba abac abalone abate abcee abele abet ablate able ablet abo abolla abollae aboon ace aceta acetal acetone acne act acta actable acton ae aeon al ala alae alan alane alant alate alb alba albe albee alco alcool ale alec alee all allee allocate allot aloe alone aloo alt alto an ana anal ance ancle ane anelace anele anlace anoa anole ant anta antae ante at ate atenolol atoc atoll atonable atonal atone atoneable ba baa baal bac bacon bael bal balance balconet bale baleen ball ballan ballant ballat ballet ballon ballonet balloon ballot ballotee balneal baloo ban banal banc banco bane bant bat bate baton batoon be beacon beal bean beano beat beaten becall bee been beento beet bel belace belate bell bellcote belle belon belt ben bene benet bent bento bet beta bete betel beton blae blanco blat blate bleat blee blent blet bloat bloc blot bo boa boat boatel boet bola bole bolete boll bollen bolo bolt bon bona bonce bone boo bool boolean boon boot bootee bootlace bot bota bote botel botone botonee caa cab caba cabal cable cablet cal calaloo call calla callan callant callee callet calo can canal cane canella canoe