Definition of Oosphere


  • a gamete
    used especially of lower plants
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Oosphere

  • Scrabble® score of the oosphere (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the oosphere (14)
  • Words With Friends® score of the oosphere (13)

Unscramble oosphere

186 unscramble word found using the letters oosphere.

ee eh ehs ephor ephors epos er ere eres eros erose ers es he hep heps her here heres hero heroe heroes heros herpes hers herse hes hesp ho hoe hoer hoers hoes hoo hoop hooper hoopers hoops hoor hoors hoos hop hope hoper hopers hopes hops hore hors horse hos hose hoser oe oes oh oho ohos ohs oo ooh oohs oop oops oor oos oose oosphere op ope operose opes ops or ore ores ors os ose pe pee peer peers pees peh pehs per pere peres perse pes peso ph pheer pheers phese pho phos phs po poh pohs poo pooh poohs poor poos pore pores porose pos pose poser posh posher posho pre pree prees pres prese pro proo pros prose proso re ree rees reh rehs reo reos rep repo repos repose reps res resh reshoe rho rhos roe roes roo roop roops roos roose rope ropes rose see seep seer ser sere sh she sheep sheepo sheer shere shero sho shoe shoer shoo shop shope shore so soh soho soop sop soph sopor sore soree speer sphere spoor spore spree