Definition of Operculated


  • having an operculum
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Operculated

  • Scrabble® score of the operculated (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the operculated (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the operculated (20)

Unscramble operculated

1293 unscramble word found using the letters operculated.

ace aced acer acold acre acred acro act acted actor acture acute acuter ad adept adepter ado adopt adoptee adopter adore adult ae aero aeroduct al alco alder ale alec alee alerce alert alerted alod aloe aloed aloud alp alt alter altered alto alu alure ape aped aper apercu apert apo apod apode aport apt apted apter ar arc arced arco ard are ared arede areole aret arete arle arled art artel at ate atoc atop aue auld aulder aureole aureoled auto autoed cad cade cadee cadet cadre caerule cal calo calp caltrop cap cape caped capelet caper capered caple caplet capo capot capote captor capture captured capul caput car card care cared caret carl carle carlot carol caroled carp carped carpel carpet carpeted cart carte carted cartel cartop cat cate cater catered caudle caul cauld caulder caup cautel cauter cedar cede ceder cedrate cedula cee cel celt ceorl cep cepe cerate cerated cere cereal cered cero cert cerule cete clad clade clap clapt claret clareted claro clart clarted clat claut clauted clear cleared clearout cleat cleated cleep clepe cleped clept clod clodpate clop clot clote cloture clotured clou cloud clour cloured clout clouted clouter clue clued coal coaled coaler