Definition of Ophthalmologist


  • a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye
    - eye doctor
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Ophthalmologist

  • Scrabble® score of the ophthalmologist (26)
  • Word Chums® score of the ophthalmologist (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the ophthalmologist (29)

Unscramble ophthalmologist

1243 unscramble word found using the letters ophthalmologist.

ag agio agios agism agist agloo agloos ago ags ah ahh ahhs ahi ahigh ahis ahs ai aight ail ails aim aims ais ait aits al alight alights alist alit all allis allot allots alls almost alms aloo aloos alp alps als also alt altho alto altoist altos alts am ami amigo amigos amis amp amps aphis apio apiol apiols apios apish apism apo apollo apollos apolog apologist apologs apos apostil apso apt apts as ash asp astoop at atilt atishoo atmologist atmos atoll atolls atom atomist atoms atop ats att gait gaits gaitt gaitts gal galiot galiots galipot galipots gall galliot galliots gallipot gallipots galloot galloots gallop gallops galls galoot galoots galop galops galosh gals gam gamp gampish gamps gams gaol gaols gap gapo gapos gaps gas gash gaslit gasohol gasp gast gat gath gaths gats ghast ghat ghats ghi ghis ghomasio ghost gi gila gilas gill gills gilt gilts gimp gimps gio gios gip gips gis gism gismo gist git gits glam glams glia glial glias glim glims glioma gliomas glit glits gloam gloams gloat gloats glom gloms gloom glooms gloop gloops glop glops glost glottal glottis go goa goal goalpost goals goas goat goatish goats golias goliath