Definition of Organophosphate


  • an insecticide that interferes with an insect's nervous system
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Organophosphate

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  • Word Chums® score of the organophosphate (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the organophosphate (28)

Unscramble organophosphate

2048 unscramble word found using the letters organophosphate.

aa aah aahs aargh aas ae aeon aeons aero aeros aerosat ag aga agape agapes agar agarose agars agas agast agate agates age agen agent agents ager agers ages agha aghas aghast agnate agnates ago agon agone agones agons agora agorae agoras agorot agoroth agraphon agraste agro agros ags ah aha aheap ahent ahh ahhs ahorse ahs an ana anapest anaphor anaphors anas anastrophe ane anear anears aneath anes anestra anga angas angashore anger angers angophora angophoras angora angoras angst anoa anoas anoestra another ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antar antars antas ante antes anther anthers anthophore anthophores anthro anthros antra antre antres ants aorta aortae aortas apage apart ape aper apers apert apes apgar aphtha aphthae apnea apneas apnoea apnoeas apo apogean apograph apographs apoop aport apos apostrophe app apparent apparents appear appears apport apports appose apposer appro appros apps apres apron aprons apropos apse apso apt apter apts ar are area areas areg arena arenas arepa arepas ares aret arets argan argans argent argents argh arghan arghans argon argons argot argots arhat arhats arna arnas aroha arohas arose arpa arpas arpen arpens arpent arpents ars arse arseno arson art arts as asar asea ash ashen ashet