Definition of Orthomolecular


  • designating or relating to a form of treatment of mental disorders that seeks to restore biochemical balance in the body with large doses of vitamins and minerals
    "orthomolecular medicine"
    "orthomolecular therapy"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Orthomolecular

  • Scrabble® score of the orthomolecular (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the orthomolecular (29)
  • Words With Friends® score of the orthomolecular (25)

Unscramble orthomolecular

1216 unscramble word found using the letters orthomolecular.

ace acer acetum ach ache achoo acme acre acro acroter act actor acture acute acuter ae aero aeromotor ah ahem ahull al alco alcohol alcool ale alec alert all allot allure allurer alme almeh almuce aloe aloo alt alter altho alto alu alum alumroot alure am ame amole amorce amoret amort amour amu amulet ar arc arch archer archlet archlute arco are aret arle arm armer armet armhole armlet armor armour armure arrect arret art artel aruhe arum at ate atoc atoll atom aue author auto cahoot cal call caller callet callout calm calmer calo calomel calumet cam came camel camelot cameo camlet camo camote car care carer caret carl carle carlot carol caroler caroller carom caromel carr carrel carrell carrom carrot cart carte cartel carter cat cate cater cathole caul caulome caum cautel cauter cel cell cella cellar cello celom celt ceorl cero cert ch cha chal chalet challot chalot cham chamelot chamlet chao char chare charet charm charmer charr charro chart charter chat chatroom chaumer che cheat chela chelator chem chemo cher chermoula cheroot chert chetrum chloral chlorate chola cholate choler cholera cholla cholo choom choral chorale chore chorea choreal chortle chortler chota chou chout chroma chromate chrome