Definition of Osmotically


  • by means of osmosis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Osmotically

  • Scrabble® score of the osmotically (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the osmotically (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the osmotically (21)

Unscramble osmotically

674 unscramble word found using the letters osmotically.

act acts acyl acyls ai ail ails aim aims ais ait aits al alco alcool alcools alcos alist alit aliyos aliyot all allis allot allots alloy alloys alls ally almost alms aloo aloos als also alt alto altos alts am ami amis amity amyl amylic amyls as asci ascot at atimy atmos atoc atocs atoll atolls atom atomic atomics atoms atomy ats ay ays cal call callosity calls calm calmly calms calmy calo calos cam cami camis camo camos cams cast cat cats cay cays ciao ciaos cill cills cis cist cit cital citals cito citola citolas cits city claim claims clam clams clast clat clats clay clays clit clits cloam cloams cloot cloots clot clots cloy cloys cly coal coals coaly coast coat coati coatis coats coil coils coit coital coitally coits col cola colas coll colls colly cols colt colts coly coma comal comals comas comital comity coms comsat coo cool coolist coolly cools cooly coom cooms coomy coos coost coot coots cos cosily cost costa costal costally costly cosy cot cots coy coys cyma cymas cymol cymols cyst cytosol ictal icy ill ills illy io ios iota iotas is ism iso isoamyl it ita itas its la