Definition of Ostentatiously


  • with ostentation
    in an ostentatious manner
    "Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Ostentatiously

  • Scrabble® score of the ostentatiously (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the ostentatiously (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the ostentatiously (19)

Unscramble ostentatiously

1893 unscramble word found using the letters ostentatiously.

ae aeon aeons ai ail ails ain aine ains ais aisle aisles ait aits aitu aitus al ale ales alien aliens aline alines alison alisons alist alit aliyos aliyot aloe aloes aloin aloins alone aloo aloos als also alsoon alsoone alt alto altoist altoists altos alts alu alunite alunites alus an ane anes ani anil anile anils anis anise anises anisole anisoles anoesis anole anoles anolyte anolytes ans ant ante antes anti antis antistyle antistyles ants antsiest antsy anu anus anuses any anyu anyus as aseity ass assent asset assiento assoil assot assott astely astone astones astonies astony astun astuns astute astutely astutest asystole at ate ates atilt atone atones atonies atony ats att attent attents attest attests attone attones attuent attuite attuites attune attunes aue auloi aulos aune aunes aunt auntie aunties auntliest auntly aunts aunty autist autists auto autolyse autolyses autolysin autolysins autolysis autos autotest autotests ay aye ayes ayin ayins ayont ays ayu ayus ea ean eans eas easily eassil east eastlin eastlins easts easy eat eats eau eaus eina el elain elains elan elans elastin elastins elation elations elint elints eloin eloins els elsin elsins elt elts eluant eluants elusion elusions elution elutions elysian en enlist