Definition of Otoplasty


  • reconstructive surgery of the auricle of the external ear
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Words With Friends® score of the otoplasty (15)

Unscramble otoplasty

270 unscramble word found using the letters otoplasty.

al aloo aloos alp alps als also alt alto altos alts apo apos apso apt aptly apts as asp astoop at atop atopy ats att ay ays la lap laps las last lat lats lay lays lo loast loo loop loops loopy loos loot loots lop lops los lost lot lota lotas loto lotos lots lotto lottos loy loys lytta lyttas oast oat oats oaty oo oop oops oos oosy oot oots op opal opals ops opt opts os otoplasty otto ottos oy oys pa pal pals palsy paly paolo pas past pasty pat patly patoot patoots pats patsy patty paty pay pays plast plat plats platt platy platys play plays ploat ploats plot plots plotty ploy ploys ply po poa poas pol polo polos pols polt polts poly polys poo pool pools poos poot poots pos post postal posy pot potato pots potsy pott potto pottos potts potty pst pya pyas pyat pyats pyot pyots sal saloop salop salp salt salto salty sap sat say slap slat slaty slay sloop sloot slop slopy slot sly so soap soapy sol sola solo sool soop soot sooty sop sot sotol soy soya spa spalt spat spay splat splay spool spoot spot