Definition of Overheat


  • make excessively or undesirably hot
    "The room was overheated"
  • get excessively and undesirably hot
    "The car engines overheated"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Overheat

  • Scrabble® score of the overheat (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the overheat (16)
  • Words With Friends® score of the overheat (14)

Unscramble overheat

190 unscramble word found using the letters overheat.

ae aero aether ah ar are aret arete art arvee arvo at ate ave aver avert avo ea ear earth eat eater eath eathe eave ee eh er era ere erev et eta eth ethe ether eve ever evert evet evhoe evo evoe evohe ha hae haet hao hare haro hart hat hate hater have haver he hear heare heart heat heater heave heaver her here hereat hereto hero heroe het hete hetero hevea ho hoa hoar hoe hoer hora hore hot hote hove hovea hover oar oat oater oath oe oh or ora orate ore ort other ova ovate over overate overeat overhate overheat overt rah rat rate rath rathe rato rav rave re reate reave ree reh reheat reo ret rete rev revet revote rhea rho roate roe rot rota rote rove ta tae tahr tao tar tare taro tav taver te tea tear tee teer tehr thae thar the theave thee there tho thrae thrave threave three thro throe throve to toe toea tor tora torah tore trave tree trove vae var vare vat vee veer vera vert vet veto vetoer voar voe vor vote voter vrot