Definition of Palaeobotany


  • the study of fossil plants
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Palaeobotany

  • Scrabble® score of the palaeobotany (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the palaeobotany (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the palaeobotany (22)

Unscramble palaeobotany

551 unscramble word found using the letters palaeobotany.

aa aal ab aba abalone abate abaya abet abeyant ablate able ablet ably abo aboon aby abye ae aeon al ala alaap alae alan alane alant alap alapa alate alay alb alba albata albe ale aloe alone aloo alp alt alto an ana anal analyte anata ane anoa anole anolyte ant anta antae ante any apay ape apetaly aplanat aplenty apnea apneal apnoea apnoeal apo apt aptly at atabal atap ate atonable atonal atone atony atop atopy ay aye ayelp ayont ba baa baal bael baetyl bal balata bale baloney baloo ban banal bane bant banty banya bap bat bate baton batoon bay baye bayle bayonet bayt be beal bean beano beany beat beaty bel belay belon belt ben bent bento benty bepat bet beta beton betony bey blae blat blate blay bleat blent blet bley bloat blooey bloop bloopy blot blype bo boa boat boatel boep boet bola bole bolo boloney bolt bon bona bone boney bony boo booay bool boolean boon boot booty bop bot bota botany bote botel botone boy boyla boyo by bye bylane byte ea ean eat ebon ebony el elan elt en enol eoan eon et eta etalon etna eyot la laa lab lana