Definition of Palaeopathology


  • the study of disease of former times (as inferred from fossil evidence)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble palaeopathology

636 unscramble word found using the letters palaeopathology.

aa aah aal ae ag aga agapae agape agate age agha aglet agley agloo agly ago ah aha aheap ahoy al ala alaap alae alap alapa alate alay ale aleph alga algae algal algate all allay alley allopath allopathy allot allotype alloy ally aloe aloha aloo alp alpha alphyl alt althaea althea altho alto apage apathy apay ape apetaly apholate apo apogeal apollo apolog apologal apology apoop apophyge app appal appall appalto appay appeal appel apple applet appley apply apt aptly at atap ate atheology atoll atop atopy ay ayah ayatollah aye ayelp ea eat eath eathly egal egally ego eh el ell elogy elt epha epopt et eta eth ethal ethology ethyl eyot gae gal gala galah galatea gale galea gall gallate gallet galleta galley galloot gallop gally galoot galop gaol gap gape gapo gappy gapy gat gate gath gay gayal geal geat gel gelato gelly gelt geo get geta gey ghat ghyll gley gloat gloop gloopy glop gloppy glyph glyptal go goa goal goat goaty goe goel goeth goety goey gole gollop golly golp golpe goo gooey gool gooley gooly goop goopy got goth gothy goy goyle gyal gyp gypo gyppo gyte ha hae haet hag haglet halal