Definition of Panhysterectomy


  • surgical removal of the uterus and the ovaries and oviducts and cervix and related lymph nodes
    - radical hysterectomy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Panhysterectomy

  • Scrabble® score of the panhysterectomy (30)
  • Word Chums® score of the panhysterectomy (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the panhysterectomy (31)

Unscramble panhysterectomy

4549 unscramble word found using the letters panhysterectomy.

ace acer acerose acers aces acetone acetones acetose ach ache achene achenes aches achy acme acmes acne acnes acorn acorns acre acres acro acron acrons acronym acronyms acros act acton actons actor actors acts ae aeon aeons aero aerophyte aerophytes aeros aery aesc aether aethers ah ahem ahent ahorse ahoy ahs am ame ameer ameers amen amene amens ament aments amerce amerces ames amethyst amnesty amorce amorces amoret amorets amort amp ampere amperes amps an ance ancestor ancestry ancho anchor anchoret anchorets anchorette anchorettes anchors anchos ancome ancomes ane anes anomy another ans ant ante antes antetype antetypes anthem anthems anther anthers anthro anthros antre antres ants antsy any anymore ape apemen aper apers apert apery apes aphony apo aport apos apothece apotheces apothem apothems apres apron aprons apse apso apt apter aptest aptote aptotes apts ar arc arch archenemy arches archest archetype archetypes archon archons archstone arco arcos arcs are arene arenes arenose ares aret arete aretes arets arett aretts arm armet armets arms army arose aroynt aroynts arpen arpens arpent arpents ars arse arseno arsey arsheen arson arsy art arts artsmen artsy arty ary as ascent ascon ascot ash ashen ashery ashet ashmen ashore ashy asp aspect aspen