Definition of Parthenogenesis


  • process in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual
    common among insects and some other arthropods
    - parthenogeny
  • human conception without fertilization by a man
    - parthenogeny - virgin birth
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  • Word Chums® score of the parthenogenesis (25)
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Unscramble parthenogenesis

5459 unscramble word found using the letters parthenogenesis.

ae aegis aegises aeon aeons aerie aeries aeriest aero aeros aesir aesthesiogen aether aethers ag age agee ageist ageists agen agene agenes ageneses agenesis agenise agenises agent agentries agents ager agers ages agin aginner aginners agio agios agist agister agisters agistor agistors agists agnise agnises ago agon agone agones agonies agonise agonises agonist agonistes agonists agons agree agrees agrin agrins agrise agrises agro agros ags ah ahent ahi ahing ahint ahis ahorse ahs ai aight aigret aigrets ain aine ainee ains air airest airn airns airpost airposts airs airshot airshots airstop airstops airt airth airths airts ais ait aits an ane anenst anent anergies anes anestri anger angers anginose angries angriest angriness angst angstier angsts ani anigh anight anion anions anis anise anises ann anno anns anoeses anoesis anoestri anoint anointer anointers anoints anon another ans anserine anserines ant ante anteing antes anther anthers antheses anthesis anthro anthros anti antigen antigene antigenes antigens antihero antiheroes antiherpes anting antings antiphon antiphoner antiphoners antiphons antiporn antipress antis antisense antre antres ants antsier aorist aorists ape aper aperient aperients aperies apers apert apertness apes apeshit aphereses apheresis apheses aphesis aphetise aphetises aphis aphonies aphorise aphorises aphorist aphorists aping apio apios apish apo apogee