the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
Unscramble pentateuch322 unscramble word found using the letters pentateuch. |
ace ach ache achene acne act acute ae ah ahent an ance ane ant ante anu ape apt at ate att attune aue aune aunt can cane caneh cant cap cape caph caput cat cate catnep caup cee cent centu cep cepe cetane cete ch cha chant chap chape chapt chat chaunt che cheap cheapen cheat cheep chenet chut chute chutnee ctene cue cuneate cunette cunt cup cut cute ea each ean eat eatche eaten eath eathe eau ech eche echt ecu ee eech een eh en enact enate ene epact epha et eta etape etat etch etchant eten eth ethane ethe ethne etna eupnea ha hae haen haet han hance hant hap hapten haptene hapu hat hate haun haunt haut haute he heap heat hen hence hent hep hepcat hept heptane het hete hue hun hunt hup hut na nach nache nae nah nap nape nat natch nauch nautch ne neap neat neath nee neep nep nepeta net nete nett nth nu nucha nuchae nut nutate pa pac pace pact pah pan pance pane pant pat patch pate paten patent path patte pattee patten patu paunce paunch pe pea peace peach peahen pean peanut peat pec pecan pech pechan |