Definition of Perchlorate


  • a salt of perchloric acid
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Perchlorate

  • Scrabble® score of the perchlorate (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the perchlorate (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the perchlorate (20)

Unscramble perchlorate

921 unscramble word found using the letters perchlorate.

ace acer ach ache acre acro acroter act actor ae aero aether ah al alco ale alec alee aleph alerce alert alerter aloe alp alt alter alterer altho alto ape aper apert apo aport apothece apt apter ar arc arch archer archlet arco are areole arere aret arete arle arrect arret art artel at ate atoc atop cal calo calp calthrop caltrop cap cape capelet caper caperer caph caple caplet capo capot capote captor car care career carer caret carhop carl carle carlot carol caroler carp carpel carper carpet carport carr carrel carrot cart carte cartel carter cartop cat cate cater caterer cathole cee cel celt ceorl cep cepe cerate cere cereal cero cert cete ch cha chal chalet chalot chao chap chape chapel chaplet chapt chapter chaptrel char chare charet charr charro chart charter chat che cheap cheaper cheapo cheat cheater cheep cheer cheero chela chelae chelate chelator chelp cher chere chert chlorate chola cholate choler cholera chop choral chorale chore chorea choreal choree chortle chortler chota clap clapt claret claro clart clat clear clearer cleat cleep clepe clept clop clot clote cloth clothe coal coaler coapt coat coate coatee coater cohere coherer col cola cole colt colter cop