Definition of Petit-bourgeois


  • lower middle class (shopkeepers and clerical staff etc.)
    - petite bourgeoisie - petty bourgeoisie
  • a member of the lower middle class
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Petit_bourgeois

  • Scrabble® score of the petit_bourgeois (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the petit_bourgeois (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the petit_bourgeois (23)

Unscramble petit_bourgeois

1621 unscramble word found using the letters petit_bourgeois.

be bee beep beeps beer beers bees beet beetroot beetroots beets beg beget begets begirt bego begoes begot begs beige beiger beiges beigest beigier beigiest bepities beprose bere beres beret berets berg bergs bes beset besit besort besot bespit besport bespot bespout best besti bestie bestir bet bete betes betise bets better betters betties bettor bettors bi bier biers big bigos bigot bigotries bigots bigs bio biog biogs bios biotite biotites biotope biotopes biro biros birse bis bise bist bister bistort bistre bistro bit bite biter biters bites bito bitos bitou bits bitser bitsier bitt bitte bitter bitters bittie bittier bitties bittor bittors bittour bittours bitts bittur bitturs biuret biurets bo boep boeps boet boets bog bogie bogies bogs bogue bogues bogus boi bois boiserie boite boites boo booger boogers boogie boogies boor boors boos boose boost booster boot bootee bootees booteries bootie booties boots bop bops bor bore boree borees bores borgo borgos bors bort bortiest borts bos bosie bot bote botes bots bott botte bottes botties botts bouge bouges bouget bougets bougie bougies bourg bourgeois bourgeoise bourgeoisie bourgs bourse bouse bousier bout bouts bree brees breest brei breis breist brie bries brig brigs brigue brigues brio brios bris