Definition of Phaeochromocytoma


  • a vascular tumor of the adrenal gland
    hypersecretion of epinephrine results in intermittent or sustained hypertension
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phaeochromocytoma

  • Scrabble® score of the phaeochromocytoma (36)
  • Word Chums® score of the phaeochromocytoma (46)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phaeochromocytoma (38)

Unscramble phaeochromocytoma

1207 unscramble word found using the letters phaeochromocytoma.

aa aah acater acca accept acceptor accompt accoy accra ace acer aceta ach achar ache achoo achromat achy acme acre acro act acta actor ae aero aery ah aha ahchoo aheap ahem ahh ahoy am ama amah amate amatory ame ammo amorce amoret amort amp amphora amphorae amtrac aorta aortae apace apache apart apathy apay ape aper apert apery aphtha aphthae apo apochromat aport apothecary apothem apt aptamer apter ar arame arc arch arco are area areach areca arepa aret arhat arm armet army aroha aroma arpa art arty ary at atap atar ate atemoya athame atheroma atma atoc atom atomy atop atopy atrophy ay ayah aye ayre caa caca cacao cache cachepot cachet cacoepy cacotrophy caeca caeoma cahoot cam cama came cameo camera camo camote camp campeachy camper campery camphor camphorate campo campy cap capa cape caper caph capo capot capote caprate caproate captcha captor car caract carap carat carate care caret carhop caroach caroch caroche carom carp carpet cart carta carte cartop cat cataphor catch catcher catchy cate cater cay ceca cep cero cert certy ch cha chace chacma chaco chaeta cham chammy champ champac champart champer champerty champy chao chap chape chapt chapter char chara charact chare