Definition of Phenobarbitone


  • a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
    - sodium thiopental - purple heart
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phenobarbitone

  • Scrabble® score of the phenobarbitone (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the phenobarbitone (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phenobarbitone (27)

Unscramble phenobarbitone

1326 unscramble word found using the letters phenobarbitone.

ab abb abbe abbot aber abet abhor abo aboon abore aborne abort abortee abortion abri abrin ae aeon aerie aero aerobe aerobiont aerobot aerophobe aerophone aerotone aether ah ahent ahi ahint ai ain aine ainee air airn airt airth ait an ane anent ani anion ann anno anoint anointer anon another ant ante anther anthro anti antihero antiphon antiphoner antiporn antre ape aper aperient apert apio apo aport apron apt apter ar arb are arene arenite aret arete ariot aroint arpen arpent art arti at ate atebrin atherine athrob atone atoner atop atrip atropin atropine ba babe babier baboo baboon bah baht bairn bait baiter baith ban bane bani banner banneret bannet bant banter bap bar barb barbe barbet barbie barbitone barbot barbotine bare barebone barhop barite baritone barn barnet baron baronet baronne barp barton bat bate bath bathe bather bathrobe baton batoon be bean beanie beano bear bearbine beare beat beaten beater beath beatier bebop bee been beenah beento beep beer beet behote bein ben bene beneath benet beni benne bennet benni bent benthon bentier bento bepaint bepat berate bere beret berob berth bertha berthe bet beta betaine bete beth bethorn beton bhai bhat bhoona bhoot bi bib bibe