Definition of Phlebotomus


  • small bloodsucking sand flies that resemble moths
    - genus phlebotomus
  • a mild viral disease transmitted by the bite of the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasii
    - sandfly fever - pappataci fever
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phlebotomus

  • Scrabble® score of the phlebotomus (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the phlebotomus (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phlebotomus (24)

Unscramble phlebotomus

871 unscramble word found using the letters phlebotomus.

be bel bels belt belts bemouth bemouths bes beshout besmooth besmut besom besot bespot bespout best bet beth beths bethump bethumps bets bhel bhels bhoot bhoots bhut bhuts blest blet blets bloom blooms bloop bloops bloosme blot blots blouse blue blues bluest bluet bluets blume blumes blush blushet bo boep boeps boet boets boh boho bohos bohs bole boles boletus bolo bolos bolt bolts bolus boo booh boohs bool bools boom boomlet boomlets booms boos boose boost boot booth booths boots bop bops bos bosh bosom bot bote botel botels botes both bothole botholes bots boule boules boult boults bouse bout bouts buhl buhls bulse bum bump bumph bumphs bumps bums bus bush bushel bushlot bust bustle but bute buteo buteos butes butle butles butoh butohs buts eh ehs el elm elms elops els elt elts em embolus embost embus emo emos empt empts ems emu emus epos es est estop et eth ethos eths eusol he helm helms helo helos helot helots help helps hem hemp hemps hems hep heps hept hes hesp hest het hets hm ho hob hobo hoboes hobos hobs hoe hoes hole holes holesom holm holme holmes holms holo holos holp hols holt holts hom