Definition of Phonologist


  • a specialist in phonology
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phonologist

  • Scrabble® score of the phonologist (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the phonologist (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phonologist (20)

Unscramble phonologist

623 unscramble word found using the letters phonologist.

ghi ghis ghost gi gilt gilts gin gins ginshop gio gios gip gipon gipons gips gis gist git gits glint glints glit glits gloop gloops glop glops glost go golosh golp golps gon gonoph gonophs gons goo gool gools goon goons goop goops goos gos gosh gosht got goth goths hi hilt hilts hin hing hings hins hint hints hip hips hipt his hisn hist hit hits ho hog hogs hoi hoing hois hoist holing holings holist holo holon holons holos holp hols holt holts hon hong hongi hongis hongs hons hoo hoon hoons hoop hooping hoops hoos hoot hooting hoots hop hoping hops hos hosing host hosting hot hots igloo igloos in ing ingo ingot ingots ings inhoop inhoops ins insooth into io ion ions ios is ish iso isogon isolog it its li lig light lights ligs lin ling lingo lingot lingots lings lino linos lins lint lints lion lions lip lipo lipos lips lis lisp list lit lith litho lithops lithos liths lits lo log login logins logion logions logo logoi logon logons logos logs loin loins long longish longs longship loo looing loon loons loop looping loopings loops loos loosing loot looting lootings loots lop loping