Definition of Photojournalist


  • a journalist who presents a story primarily through the use of photographs
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Photojournalist

  • Scrabble® score of the photojournalist (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the photojournalist (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the photojournalist (32)

Unscramble photojournalist

2447 unscramble word found using the letters photojournalist.

ah ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ail ails ain ains air airn airns airpost airs airshot airstop airt airth airths airts ais ait aits aitu aitus aji ajis al alison alist alit aloin aloins aloo aloos alp alphorn alphorns alps als also alsoon alt altho althorn althorns alto altoist altos altruist alts alu alus an ani anil anils anis ans ant anthro anthros anti antipot antirust antis ants anu anus aorist aphis aphonous aphorist apio apiol apiols apios apish apo aport apos apostil apron aprons apso apt apts ar aril arils arioso ariot aris arish aristo arnotto arnottos arnut arnuts aroint aroints ars arshin arsino arson art arti artis artist arts as ash asp asport aspout aspro asprout astir astoop astrut astun at athirst atilt atishoo atop atrip atropin atropins atropous ats att attorn attorns auloi aulos aunt aunts auris aurist author authors autist auto autopilot autopilots autopoint autopoints autos autotroph autotrophs ha hail hails hain hains haint haints hair hairs hairst haj haji hajis halitous halitus halo halon halons halos halt halts han hant hants hao haos hap haplont haplonts haps hapu hapus harl harlot harlots harls harn harns haro haros harp harpin harpins harpist harpoon harpoons harps hart