Definition of Phrontistery


  • an establishment for study and learning (sometimes including modern universities)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phrontistery

  • Scrabble® score of the phrontistery (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the phrontistery (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phrontistery (20)

Unscramble phrontistery

1522 unscramble word found using the letters phrontistery.

eh ehs eish en ens entity entrist entropy entry entryist ents eon eons eosin ephor ephori ephors epos epris er ern erns eros err errs ers erst erythron erythrons erythrosin es espoir esprit espy est estop estrin estro et eth ethion ethions ethiops ethnos ethos eths ettin ettins eyot eyots eyrir he heir heirs heist hen henry henrys hens hent hents hep heps hept her heriot heriots heritor heritors hern herns hero heroin heroins heron heronry herons heros herry hers herstory hery hes hesp hest het hets hey heys hi hie hieron hies hin hins hint hinter hinters hints hip hips hipster hipt hire hirer hirers hires his hisn hist histone history hit hits hitter hitters ho hoe hoer hoers hoes hoi hois hoise hoist hoister hon hone honer honers hones honest honesty honey honeys hons hop hope hoper hopers hopes hops hore hori horis horn horner horners hornet hornets hornier horniest hornist horns horny horrent hors horse horsey horsie horsier horst horste horsy hos hose hosen hoser hosey hosier hosiery host hostie hostry hot hote hoten hots hotter hotters hottie hotties hotty hoy hoys hye hyen hyens hyes hyp hype hyper hyperon hyperons hypers hypes hypnotise hypnotiser hypnotist hypo