Definition of Phylloclade


  • a flattened stem resembling and functioning as a leaf
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Phylloclade

  • Scrabble® score of the phylloclade (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the phylloclade (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the phylloclade (25)

Unscramble phylloclade

460 unscramble word found using the letters phylloclade.

ace aced ach ache ached achy acold acyl ad ado ae ah ahed ahold ahoy al alco aldol ale alec aleph all allel alley allod alloy alloyed ally allyl alod aloe aloed alp alphyl ape aped apo apod apode ay aye ayelp cad cade cal call called callop calo calp cap cape caped caph caple capo cay cel cell cella cello cep ch cha chad chado chal chally chao chap chape chapel chay che cheap cheaply cheapo cheapy chela chelp chode chola cholla chop chylde chyle clad clade cladophyll clap clay clayed clod clodly clop cloy cloye cloyed cly clype clypeal clyped coady coal coaled coaly cod coda code coed cohead col cola cold coldly cole colead coled coley coll colled colly coly cop copal copay cope coped copy coy coyed da dace dae dah dahl dal dale dalle dallop dally dap day daych dayhop de deal decal decay deco decoy del delay dell delly delo delph dep deploy dey dhal dhol dhole dholl do doc doe doh dol dolce dole doll dolly dop dopa dope dopey dopy doy dye ea each ecad ech echo eco ecod ed edh eh el eld ell epha ephod epoch epocha epochal epochally ha