Definition of Physicalism


  • (philosophy) the philosophical theory that matter is the only reality
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Unscramble physicalism

570 unscramble word found using the letters physicalism.

ach achy acyl acyls ah ahi ahis ahs ai ail ails aim aims ais al alms alp alps als am ami amici amis amiss amp amply amps amyl amylic amyls aphis apish apishly apism apisms apsis as asci ash ashy asp aspic aspics aspis aspish asps ass ay ays cal caliph caliphs calm calms calmy calp calps cam cami camis camp campi campily camply camps campy cams cap caph caphs capi caps cash cay cays ch cha chai chais chal chals cham champ champs champy chams chap chaps chas chasm chasms chasmy chay chays chi chia chias chiasm chiasmi chiasms chili chiliasm chiliasms chilis chimla chimlas chimp chimps chip chips chis chlamys cilia cis cissy claim claims clam clamp clamps clams clap claps clash clasp clasps class classy clay clayish clays clip clips cly cyma cymas ha hail hails haily halm halms ham hams hap haply haps has hasp hasps hass hay hays hi hic hila hili him hims hip hiply hips his hiss hissy hiya hm hyla hylas hylic hylicism hylicisms hylism hylisms hyp hyps ich ichs icily icy ilia iliac imp impi impis impish impishly imply imps imshi imshy is ischia ischial ish ism isms la lac lacs