Definition of Platyrhine


  • of or related to New World monkeys having nostrils far apart or to people with broad noses
    - platyrhinian - platyrrhinic - broadnosed
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Platyrhine

  • Scrabble® score of the platyrhine (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the platyrhine (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the platyrhine (19)

Unscramble platyrhine

858 unscramble word found using the letters platyrhine.

ae aerily aery ah ahent ahi ahint ai aiery ail ain aine air airn airt airth airy ait al ale aleph alert alien aline aliner alit alp alpine alt alter altern an ane anerly ani anil anile ant ante anther anti antler antre any ape aper apert apery aplenty aplite apt apter aptly ar are aret ariel aril arle arpen arpent art artel arti artily arty ary aryl at ate atrip ay aye ayelp ayin ayre ayrie ea ean ear earl early earn earth earthily earthly earthy eat eath eathly eh eina el elain elan elhi elint elt elytra en enlit enrapt entail enthalpy enthral entia entrail entrap entry epha er era ern et eta eth ethal ethinyl ethyl etna eyra ha hae haen haet hail hailer haily hain haint hair hairnet hairy hale haler halier halite halt halter han hant hantle hap haplite haply hapten hare harelip harl harn harp harpin harpy hart hartely harten hat hate hater hatpin hay hayer hayier hayle he heal heap heapy hear heart heartily heartly hearty heat heil heir heli help hen henry hent hep hepar heparin hept her herl hern hernia hernial hery het hey hi hiant hie hiera hila hilar hilt