Definition of Pleuronectidae


  • righteye flounders
    - family pleuronectidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Pleuronectidae

  • Scrabble® score of the pleuronectidae (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the pleuronectidae (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the pleuronectidae (24)

Unscramble pleuronectidae

4237 unscramble word found using the letters pleuronectidae.

ace aced acer acetin acetone acid acider acidulent acne acned acnode acold aconite acorn acorned acre acred acrid acro acrolein acron act acted actin action actioned actioner acton actor acture aculei acupoint acute acuter ad adept adepter adieu adipocere adit ado adopt adoptee adopter adore adorn adroit adult adulterine adunc ae aedicule aedile aedine aeon aeonic aerie aeried aero aeroduct aerolite ai aid aide aider ail ailed aileron ain aine ainee air aircon aired airn airned airt airted ait aitu al alcid alco alder aldern aldrin ale alec alee alepine alerce alerion alert alerted aleuron aleurone aleuronic alien aliened alienee aliener alienor aline alined aliner aliped alit aliunde alnico alod aloe aloed aloetic aloin alone aloud alp alpeen alpine alt alter altered altern alterne alto alu alunite alure an ance ancile ancle and andro ane anecdote anele aneled aneroid anetic aneuploid ani anicut anil anile anode anodic anoetic anole anoretic ant ante antecede anted anteed antelope anti antic anticold antipode antipole antired antiulcer antler antlered antre anu anuretic anuric aortic ape aped aper apercu aperient apert apiece apio apiol aplite apneic apnoeic apo apocrine apod apode apolune aporetic aport apricot apron aproned aprotic apt apted apter ar arc arced arco