Definition of Podetium


  • an organ or body resembling a stalk
    especially the outgrowth of the thallus of certain lichens on which the ascocarp is borne
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Podetium

  • Scrabble® score of the podetium (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the podetium (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the podetium (16)

Unscramble podetium

194 unscramble word found using the letters podetium.

de dei demit demo demoi dempt dep depot di die diet dim dime dimout dimp dip dipt dit dite do doe doit dom dome dop dope dot dote doum doup dout due duet dui duit dum dump duo duomi dup dupe ed edit em emit emo empt emu et etui euoi id ide idem imp imped impot impute imputed io it item me med meou met meu mi mid mite mo mod mode modi moe moi moit mop mope moped mot mote moted moti motu mou moue moup mouped mu mud mudpie muid mut mute muted muti od ode odeum odium oe oi om omit op ope oped opium opt opted optime ou oud oup ouped out outed pe ped pet pi pie pied piet pioted pit piu pium po pod podetium podite podium poem poet poi pom pome pot pote poted pout pouted ptui pud pumie put putid te ted tedium temp tempi tempo tepid ti tid tide tie tied time timed tip to tod toe toed tom tome top tope toped topi toupie tui tum tumid tump tumped tup udo um ump umped umpie up updo upo uptie uptied uptime ut ute