Definition of Polypectomy


  • surgical removal of a polyp
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Polypectomy

  • Scrabble® score of the polypectomy (25)
  • Word Chums® score of the polypectomy (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the polypectomy (28)

Unscramble polypectomy

259 unscramble word found using the letters polypectomy.

cel celom celt cep cetyl clem clept clomp cloop cloot clop clot clote cloy cloye cly clype coelom coemploy coempt col cole coley colt coly come comely comet comp compel complot comply compo compot compote compt comte coo cooey cool cooly coom coomy coop coopt coot cop cope coplot copple coppy copy cot cote cotyle cotype coy coyly coyote cyme cymol cyte eco ectopy el elm elmy elt em emo employ empt empty epopt et eyot lect lep leppy lept let ley lo loco lome loo looey loom loop loopy loot lop lope loppy lot lote loto loy lye lym lyme lyte me mel melt melty met metol metoo mo moc moe mol mole molt molto moly moo mool mooley mooly moop moot mop mope mopey moppet moppy mopy mot mote motel motey motley moy moyl moyle my myc myope myopy ocelot octyl oe ole oleo olm olpe om oo oocyte oom oop oot op ope oppo opt oy oye pe pec pel pelt pep pepo pet peyotl plop plot ploy ploye ply po poco poem poep poepol poet pol pole poley polo polt poly polycot polyp polype polytype pom pome pomelo pomo pomp pompelo pompey poo pool poop poopy