Definition of Polyphonous


  • of or relating to or characterized by polyphony
    "polyphonic traditions of the baroque"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Polyphonous

  • Scrabble® score of the polyphonous (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the polyphonous (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the polyphonous (24)

Unscramble polyphonous

282 unscramble word found using the letters polyphonous.

ho holo holon holons holos holp hols holy hon hons hoo hooly hoon hoons hoop hoops hoos hop hoppus hoppy hops hos hoy hoys hun huns hup hups huso hyp hypo hypos hyps hyson lo loo loon loons loony loop loops loopy loos lop loppy lops los losh lou loun louns loup loups lous lousy loy loys luny lush lushy no noh nolo nolos noo noop noops nos nosh nosy noul nouls noup noups nous noy noyous noys nu nus ny nys oh oho ohos ohs on only ono onos ons onus ony oo ooh oohs oon oons oop oops oos oosy op oppo oppos ops opus os ou oup ouph ouphs oups ous oy oys ph pho phon phono phonos phons phony phos phs phylon plop plops ploy ploys plu plus plush plushy ply po poh pohs pol polo polony polos pols poly polyp polyphon polyphonous polyphons polypous polyps polypus polys pons pony poo pooh poohs pool pools poon poons poop poops poopy poos pop pops popsy pos posh poshly posho posy poulp poulps poyou poyous poyson psyop puh pul pulp pulps pulpy puls puly pun puns puny pup pups pus push pushy puy puys pylon pylons sh sho