Definition of Portland


  • largest city in Maine in the southwestern corner of the state
  • freshwater port and largest city in Oregon
    located in northwestern Oregon on the Willamette River which divides the city into east and west sections
    renowned for its beautiful natural setting among the mountains
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Portland

  • Scrabble® score of the portland (11)
  • Word Chums® score of the portland (14)
  • Words With Friends® score of the portland (14)

Unscramble portland

203 unscramble word found using the letters portland.

ad ado adopt adorn al alod alp alt alto an and andro ant apo apod aport apron apt ar ard art at atop da dal dalt dalton dan dant dap darn dart dato do doat dol dolt don dona dop dopa dopant dor dorp dort dot dotal drant drap drat drop dropt la lad ladron land lant lap lar lard lardon larn lat latron lo load loan lod lop lor loran lord lorn lot lota na nap nard nat no nod nodal nopal nor not nota notal oar oat od oda odal old on op opal opt or ora orad oral orant ord ort pa pad pal pan pand pant panto par pard pardon parol part parton pat patrol patron plan plano plant plat ploat plod plot po poa pod podal pol polar polt pond pont pontal poral porn port porta portal portland pot prad prao prat pro proa prod prolan rad radon ran rand rant rap rapt rat rato road roan rod ront rot rota rotal rotan rotl ta tad talon tan tao tap tar tardo tarn taro tarp tarpon to toad tod tola tolan tolar told ton tonal top tor tora toran torn trad trap troad trod troland