Definition of Preachification


  • moralization delivered tediously in a preachy manner
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Preachification

  • Scrabble® score of the preachification (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the preachification (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the preachification (30)

Unscramble preachification

1908 unscramble word found using the letters preachification.

aa aah aarti acai acanth acanthi acari acarine acater acca accent accentor accept acceptor accipiter accipitrine accite accra accretion ace acentric acer aceta acetic acetin acetonic ach achar acharne ache achenia achier achiote achira acieration acinar acini acinic acne aconite aconitic acorn acratic acre acro acron acronic acrotic act acta actin actinia actiniae actinic action actioner acton actor ae aecia aeon aeonic aeration aerification aero afar afear afire afore afrit afro afront aft after afterpain ah aha aheap ahent ahi ahint ai aia ain aina aine air aircoach aircon airn airt airth ait aitch an ana anaphor anaphoric anarch anarchic ance ancho anchor anchoret anchoretic anchorite anchoritic ancora ane anear aneath anechoic anetic ani anicca anoa anoetic anopia anorectic anoretic anorthic another ant anta antae antar ante antechoir anther anthocarp anthracic anthro anthropic anti antiair antiar antic anticar antichoice antichoicer antihero antiheroic antirape antra antre aorta aortae aortic apace apache apart ape aper aperitif apert aphanite aphanitic aphetic aphonia aphonic aphotic apian apician apio apnea apneic apnoea apnoeic apo apocrine aporetic aporia aport apothecia apractic apricate aprication apricot apron aprotic apt apter apteria ar arc arcane arch archaei archaeon archaic archean archei archfoe archi archine archon archontic arco arctan arctic