Definition of Procaryote


  • a unicellular organism having cells lacking membrane-bound nuclei
    bacteria are the prime example but also included are blue-green algae and actinomycetes and mycoplasma
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  • Word Chums® score of the procaryote (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the procaryote (18)

Unscramble procaryote

437 unscramble word found using the letters procaryote.

ace acer acre acro acroter act actor ae aero aery ape aper apert apery apo aport apt apter ar arc arco are aret arrect arret arroyo art artery arty ary at ate atoc atop atopy ay aye ayre cap cape caper capo capot capote captor car care carer caret carp carper carpet carport carr carrot carroty carry cart carte carter cartop cat cate cater cay cep cero cert certy coapt coat coate coater coo cooer cooey coop cooper coopery coopt coot cooter cop copay cope coper copra copter copy cor core corer corey corpora corporate correa cory cot cote cotype coy coyer coyote crap crape crapy crare crate crater cray crayer creator crept crepy crop crore cry cryer crypt crypto cyte ea ear eat eco ectopy epact er era err et eta eyot eyra oar oary oat oater oaty oca ocrea octa oe oo oocyte oop oor oot op ope opera operator opt opter or ora oracy orate orator oratory orc orca ore orra ort otary oy oye oyer pa pac pace pacer pacey paco pact pacy par pare pareo parer parore parr parrot parroty parry part parter party partyer pat pate pater paty pay payer payor pe pea pear