Definition of Prophase


  • the first stage of mitosis
  • the first stage of meiosis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Prophase

  • Scrabble® score of the prophase (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the prophase (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the prophase (16)

Unscramble prophase

307 unscramble word found using the letters prophase.

ae aero aeros ah ahorse ahs ape aper apers apes apo apos app appose apposer appro appros apps apres apse apso ar are ares arose ars arse as ash ashore asp asper aspro ea ear ears eas eh ehs epha ephas ephor ephors epos er era eras eros ers es ha hae haes hao haos hap haps hare hares haro haros harp harps has hasp he heap heaps hear hears hep hepar hepars heps her hero heros hers hes hesp ho hoa hoar hoars hoarse hoas hoe hoer hoers hoes hop hope hoper hopers hopes hopper hoppers hops hora horas hore hors horse hos hose hoser oar oars oe oes oh ohs op opah opahs ope opera operas opes ops or ora ore ores ors os osar ose pa pah pahs pap pape paper papers papes paps par pare pareo pareos pares parp parps pars parse pas pase paseo pash pe pea pear pears peas peh pehs pep pepo pepos peps per perhaps perp perps pes peso ph phare phares pharos phase phaser phasor pho phos phrase phs po poa poas poep poeps poh pohs pop pope popera poperas popes pops porae poraes pore pores pos pose poser posh posher