Definition of Protractedly


  • in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way
    "her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly" -Rossetti
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Protractedly

  • Scrabble® score of the protractedly (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the protractedly (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the protractedly (22)

Unscramble protractedly

1222 unscramble word found using the letters protractedly.

ace aced acer acetyl acold acolyte acre acred acro acroter act acted actor actorly acyl ad adept adeptly ado adopt adopter adore adorer adry ae aero aery al alco alder ale alec alert alod aloe aloed alp alt alter alto ape aped aper apert apery apo apod apode aport apt apted apter aptly aptote ar arc arced arco ard ardor are ared aret arett arle arled arrect arret art artel artery arty ary aryl at ate atoc atop atopy att attercop ay aye ayelp ayre cad cade cadet cadre cal calo calory calotte calotype caloyer calp caltrop calypter cap cape caped caper caple caplet capo capot capote capotted captor car card carder cardy care cared carer caret carl carle carlot carol caroled caroler carp carped carpel carper carpet carport carr carrel carrot carroty carry cart carte carted cartel carter cartop cat cate cater catolyte catted cattery cattle catty cay cedar cedary cel celt ceorl cep cero cerrado cert certy cetyl clad clade clap clapt claret claro clart clarted clarty clary clat clatted clatter clattery clay clayed clear cleat clept clod clodpate clop clot clote clotted clotter clotty cloy cloye cloyed cly clype clyped coady coal coaled coaler coaly coapt coapted