Definition of Protractile


  • able to be extended
    "protractile muscle"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Protractile

  • Scrabble® score of the protractile (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the protractile (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the protractile (18)

Unscramble protractile

954 unscramble word found using the letters protractile.

ace acer acre acro acroter act actor ae aero ai ail air airer airport airt ait al alco ale alec alert alit aloe aloetic alp alt alter alto aortic ape aper apert apio apiol aplite apo aporetic aport apricot aprotic apt apter aptote aptotic ar arc arco are areic aret arett ariel aril ariot arle arrect arret art artel arti artic article artier at ate atelic atilt atoc atop atopic atretic atrip att attercop attic attire cal caliper calo calorie calotte calp caltrop cap cape caper capi capitol caple caplet capo capot capote capri capriole captor car care carer caret cariole carl carle carlot carol caroler caroli carp carpel carper carpet carpi carport carr carrel carriole carrot cart carte cartel carter cartop cat cate cater cattie cattier cattle ceil cel celt ceorl cep ceria cero cerrial cert ciao ciel cire cirl cirrate cit cital citator cite citer cito citola citole citral citrate clap clapt claret claro clart clartier clat clatter clear cleat clept clip clipart clipe clipt clit clitter clop clot clote clotter clottier coal coaler coalier coalpit coapt coat coate coater coati coil coiler coir coit coital col cola cole coletit colt colter cop copal cope coper copier copita