Definition of Psithyrus


  • a large bee that resembles the bumblebee but lacks pollen-collecting apparatus and a worker caste
    - genus psithyrus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Psithyrus

  • Scrabble® score of the psithyrus (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the psithyrus (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the psithyrus (17)

Unscramble psithyrus

234 unscramble word found using the letters psithyrus.

hi hip hips hipt his hiss hissy hist hists hit hits hui huis hup hups hurst hursts hurt hurts huss hussy hut huts hyp hyps is ish it its ph phi phis phs pht phut phuts physis pi pir pirs pis pish piss pissy pit pith piths pithy pits pity piu priss prissy pruh pry prys psi psis psst pst ptui puh puir pur puri puris purist purists purity purs pursy purty pus push pushy puss pussy put puts puy puys rhus rhy rip rips ript risp risps risus rit rits rush rushy rust rusts rusty rut ruth ruths ruts ryu ryus sh ship ships shir shirs shirt shirts shirty shist shit shits shiur shri shris shtup shtups shut shuts shy si sip sips sir sirs sirup sirups sirupy sis sist sit sith sits situp situps situs spirt spirts spiry spit spits sprit sprits spruit spruits sprush spry spur spurs spurt spurts spy sri sris st stir stirp stirps stirs strip strips stripy sty su sui suit suits sup sups sur sus sushi syph syphs syrtis syrup syrups thir this thrip thrips thru thus thy thyrsi thyrsus ti tip tips tipsy tis trip trips tripy truss try tryp tryps tsuris