Definition of Pteridophyta


  • containing all the vascular plants that do not bear seeds: ferns, horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns
    in some classifications considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta
    - division pteridophyta
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble pteridophyta

1022 unscramble word found using the letters pteridophyta.

ad adept adit ado adopt adopter adore adroit adry ae aero aery ah ahed ahi ahoy ai aid aide aider aiery air aired airt airted airth airthed airy ait ape aped aper apert apery aphid aphrodite apio apo apod apode aport app apport appro apt apted apter aptote ar ard are ared aret arett arid ariot aroid art arti arty ary at ate athetoid atop atopy atrip atrophied atrophy att attire attired ay aye ayre ayrie da dae dah dairy dap dapper dare dari dart date dater dato datto day dayhop de deair dear dearth deary death deathy dehair dehort dei deity dep depart deport depot depth derat deray dero derth detort dey dhoti di diaper diary die diet dietary diopter dioptrate dioptre diota dip dipper dippy dipt diptera dire dirt dirty dit dita dite dither dithery ditt dittay ditto ditty diya do doat doater doe doer doeth doh doit dop dopa dope doper dopey dopier dopper doppie dopy dor dore dorp dort dorty dory dot dote doter doth dotier dotter dottier dotty doty doy drap drape drapet drapey drappie drappy drat dray drey drip drippy dript droit drop dropt dry dye dyer ea ear eard earth earthy eat eath