Definition of Pyromancer


  • one who practices pyromancy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Pyromancer

  • Scrabble® score of the pyromancer (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the pyromancer (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the pyromancer (22)

Unscramble pyromancer

509 unscramble word found using the letters pyromancer.

ace acer acme acne acorn acre acro acron acronym ae aeon aero aery am ame amen amorce amp an ance ancome ane anomy any anymore ape aper apery apo apron ar arc arco are arm armer armor armory army arpen ary ay aye ayre cam came cameo camo camp camper campery campo campy can cane caner canoe canoer canopy cany cap cape caper capo capon car care carer carmen carn carney carny carom caron carp carper carr carrom carron carry carryon cay cep cero coma comae come comer comp company compare comparer compear comper con cone coney cony cop copay cope copen coper copra copy cor coram core corer corey corm corn cornea corner corny correa cory coy coyer cram crame cramp cramper crampon crampy cran crane crap crape crapy crare cray crayer crayon crayoner cream creamy crem cremona cremor crena crepon crepy crome cron crone crony crop crore cry cryer cyan cyano cyma cymae cymar cyme ea ean ear earcon earn eco ecomap em emo en enamor enarm encamp enorm eoan eon eponym eprom er era erm ern err errancy eyra ma mac mace macer macon macro macron mae man mane mano manor manrope many map mar marc mare