Definition of Pyxidanthera


  • one species: pyxie
    the eastern United States
    - genus pyxidanthera
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Pyxidanthera

  • Scrabble® score of the pyxidanthera (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the pyxidanthera (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the pyxidanthera (28)

Unscramble pyxidanthera

1023 unscramble word found using the letters pyxidanthera.

aa aah aahed aarti ad adapt adapter adept adhan adit adnate adnexa adrate adry adyta ae aery ah aha ahead aheap ahed ahent ahi ahind ahint ai aia aid aida aidant aide aider aiery ain aina aine air airdate aired airhead airn airned airt airted airth airthed airy ait an ana and ane anear aneath anhydrite ani ant anta antae antar ante anted anther antherid anthrax anti antiar antirape antired antra antre anxiety any apaid apart apartheid apathy apay apayd ape aped aper apert apery apex aphanite aphid apian apiary apnea apt apted apter apteria apteryx apyrexia ar araneid ard ardent are area aread ared arena arepa aret arhat aria arid arna arpa arpen arpent art arti arty ary at atap atar ataxy ate atria atrip ax axe axed axite ay ayah aye ayin ayre ayrie da dae dah daine daint dainty dairy dan dant dap daphne daphnia dare dari darn dart data datary date dater day dayan daynt de deair dean dear dearn dearth deary death deathy dehair dei deity den denar denari denary denay deni dent dentaria dentary deny dep depaint depart depth derat deray dern derth detain detrain dex dextran dextrin dexy dey dharna dhyana di diane