Definition of Reformable


  • susceptible to improvement or reform
    "a redeemable sinner"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Reformable

  • Scrabble® score of the reformable (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the reformable (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the reformable (20)

Unscramble reformable

388 unscramble word found using the letters reformable.

ab abele aber able abler abo abore ae aero aerobe afore afro al alb albe albee ale alee alef alf alme aloe am ambeer amber amble ambler ambo ame ameer amole ar arb arbor are areole arere arf arle arm armer armor ba bael bal bale baler balm bam bar bare barer barf barm barre barrel barro be beal beam beamer bear beare bearer bee beef beefalo beer beflea befoam before bel belar bema bere berm berme blae blaer blam blame blamer blare blear blearer blee blore bo boa boar bola bolar bole boma bor bora boral bore boreal boree borel borer borm borrel bra brae brame bream breare bree breem breer breme brer brere bro bromal brome brr ea eale ear earl earlobe ee eel ef el elf elm em embale embar ember eme emf emo eorl er era ere erf erm err errable fa fab fable fabler fae fame far fare farer farl farle farm farmer faro fe feal fear feare fearer fee feeb feel feer fem femal female feme femora femoral fer feral ferbam fere ferer ferm ferrel flab flam flambe flambee flame flamer flare flea fleam flee fleer fleme flob floe flor flora florae foal foam