Definition of Renunciative


  • used especially of behavior
    - renunciant - self abnegating - self denying
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Renunciative

  • Scrabble® score of the renunciative (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the renunciative (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the renunciative (22)

Unscramble renunciative

777 unscramble word found using the letters renunciative.

ace acer acetin acini acne acre act actin active acture acute acuter ae aerie ai ain aine ainee air airn airt ait aitu aiver an ance ancient ancienter ane anent anetic aneurin ani anicut ann annicut ant ante anti antic antre anu anuretic anuric ar arc are areic arene arenite arenitic aret arete arnut art arti artic arvee at ate aue aune aunt aunter auntie aurei auric ave avenir aventre aventure aventurin aventurine avenue aver avert avine cain cairn caitive can cane caner canier canine cann canner cannie cannier cant canteen canter cantier car care careen caret carn carnet carnie carnitine cart carte carve carven cat cate cater cauri cauter cave caver cavern cavie cavier cee ceinture cent centai centare centaur center centiare centner centra centre centu cerate ceratin cere ceria cerite cerne cert certain certie cervine cetane cete cine cinerea cinerin cire cit cite citer citrin citrine civ cive civet civie cran crane crate crave craven creant create creatin creatine creatinine creative cree crena crenate cretin cria criant crinate crine crinite crit cru crue cruet cruive cruve ctene cue cuit cuiter cuneate cunei cunit cunner cunt cur curat curate curative cure curet curia curiae curie curiet curite curn curt