Definition of Rule-of-thumb


  • a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Rule_of_thumb

  • Scrabble® score of the rule_of_thumb (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the rule_of_thumb (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the rule_of_thumb (25)

Unscramble rule_of_thumb

448 unscramble word found using the letters rule_of_thumb.

be beflum befoul bel belt bemouth berm berth bet beth bhel bhut blert blet blore blot blue bluemouth bluer bluet blume blur blurt bo boet boeuf boh bole bolt bolter bor bore borel borm bort bot bote botel both bother boule boult boulter bout bro brome broth brothel bru brule brulot brume brut brute bufo buhl buhr bum bumf bur buret burhel burl but bute buteo butle butler butoh ef eft eh el elf elm elt elutor em emf emo emu eorl er erf erhu erm erub et eth euro fe feh fehm felt fem femur fer ferm fet fetor feu fleur flob floe flor floret flote flour flout flouter flu flub flue flume fluor flute fluter fob foe foh for forb fore forel form forme fort forte forth forum fother fou fouer fouet foul foule fouler four fourth fouter fouth foutre fret fro froe from froth fub fuel fuero fum fumble fumbler fume fumer fumet fur furl furo furol furole furth future he heft helm helo helot hem her herb herl herm hero het hm ho hob hoe hoer hole holm holme holt hom hombre home homer hore horme hot hote hotel houf hour hout hub hue huemul huer